Neutral LED light color

Ideal lighting solution?

Many customers are often not completely satisfied with the effect they achieve when using LED lighting. They expect lighting with a natural character that will accurately render the colors of illuminated objects.

And here arises the question. Should one choose warm white or cool white color? Well, in such a situation, when we are unsure, it is best to opt for neutral LED light color.

Neutral white light sits on the border between warm and cool colors. It leans a bit more towards cool tones but with a slightly warm glow. Consequently, it is not as harsh and straining on our eyes. This makes it very suitable for spaces such as kitchens, workshops, or reading rooms.

Advantages of neutral color:

  • Ideal compromise between warm and cool colors.
  • Natural rendering of illuminated objects’ colors.
  • High light intensity enhances work comfort.
  • Versatility: suits every room and style.
  • Does not strain the eyes during illumination.
  • Favors work and concentration.


  • Lighting for spaces requiring a large amount of light.
  • Kitchens, bathrooms, reading rooms, or workshops.

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